abandom_prompt=Ar tikrai norite užverti šią sesiją prieš tai jos neišsaugojus?
change_encryption_fail=Užkodavimo pasirinktis negali būti pakeista.\nAr įvedėte pagrindinį slaptažodį, kai prašė?
encrypt_fail=Sesija/langas buvo išsaugotas, bet nebuvo užkoduota.\nAr įvedėte pagrindinį slaptažodį, kai prašė?
decrypt_fail1=Įvyko klaidų atkoduojant jūsų sesijos/lango duomenis.\nTikriausiai sesijos/lango duomenys pažeisti.
decrypt_fail2=Jūsų veiksmas nebuvo užbaigtas, nes sesijos/lango duomenys negali būti užkoduoti.\nAr įvedėte pagrindinį slaptažodį, kai prašė?
not_supported=Session Manager is not supported in this browser because it does not contain the SessionStore component.\nSession Manager will be uninstalled after the browser is restarted.
delete_confirm=Do you really want to delete this session?
overwrite_tabs=Replace Existing Tabs
ss_convert_again=The sessions have already been converted to Session Manager format.\nDo you wish to convert them again?
ss_confirm_convert=Session Saver sessions were found.\nConvert them to Session Manager sessions?
ss_confirm_archive=Archive old Session Saver data to a file and then delete from browser?
ss_confirm_import=No existing SessionSaver sessions were found in browser.\nDo you want to convert a pre-existing archive file?
ss_converted_one=Converted the following session
ss_converted_many=Converted the following sessions
ss_none=No valid sessions found.
ss_select=Select sessions to convert.
ss_failed=The following sessions failed to be read correctly:
tmp_no_install=Tab Mix Plus must be installed and enabled to convert Tab Mix Plus sessions to Session Manager sessions.
tmp_one=one session converted.
tmp_many=sessions converted.
tmp_no_default=No Tab Mix Plus sessions were found in the default location. Open a different file?
tmp_unable=Unable to convert from session.rdf
backup_sessions=Backup Sessions
save_and_restore=Save and restore at startup
delete_confirm_group=Do you really want to delete all the sessions in this group?
rename_group=Rename group to:
rename_fail=That name is reserved and can not be used.
group_session=Which session(s) do you want to group?
group_session_text=Enter the group name or leave it blank to remove grouping from selected sessions:
group_session_okay=Change Grouping
encrypt_fail2=The session/window could not be encrypted and was NOT saved.\nDid you enter your master password when prompted?
session_error=The session/window data is corrupted:\n%S
encrypt_only_confirm=Are you sure? Have you read the warning?
load_session= Which session do you want to load?
load_session_ok= Load
overwrite_prompt= Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing session?